Monday, October 8, 2007


Sharp pain, can be, either bad or good
and denotes a change for us all.
The change can be proximately
bad and ultimately good,
proximately good and ultimately bad, or
(more realistically)
any and all other combinations in life, that come
from multiple inter-exchanges of the previous four words,

which (like life) denote changing and inter-exchanging states
of both time and being.

When life seems sardonic, and all our comforts are put into question…
Even when we learn, that thoughts which were previously
our deepest securities
are false
and everything
is seemingly turned-on us
or lost.

Consider yourself ultimately (and truly) blessed because this situation shows us who we all
really are.

This is the time
when real answers come
and chaos
is transformed
into growth.

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Intigrative Expression by Robert Nathan Bernshausen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License