Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bi-directional Neuroplasticity

Zen Buddhists speak about starving off ailments of the mind and body; likewise, Langland and other Christians warn us about negativities associated with indulging in sins of the mind and body (specifically the seven deadly sins). Both cultures/religions empirically discovered certain affects that neuroplasticity has on our lives and the wisdom that we can either let entropy and negativity pervade us into perpetuating more negativities and sadness, or we can empower ourselves. Each moment of each day, we make, who we will become.

Starving off ailments is another way to describe a positive usage of neural depotentiation and enables us to free ourselves from negative realities. Likewise, indulging in the seven deadly sins is taught by Christians to perpetuate more pain (here and after). These ideas may sound archaic today, right? They are not. Currently, as well as in the past, science and religion are showing similar truths, specifically with the recent revelations of neuroplasity.

(After thinking for some time) the Buddhist wisdom of starving off negativities, (by not feeding them), and Christian ideology of the seven deadly sins (which, it is said, are also not to be fed) are not only similar they are a specific and personal application of bidirectional neuroplasticity. Our actions (each moment) either strengthen or weaken negativities and positivities in our body and our mind(s). Malignant thought patterns can be “pruned” (neural depotentiation) and positivities can be strengthened and built upon through long-term potentiation to enable a brighter future in and between people.

Science-language-religion and ideas all can be used to bring badness or goodness into the world. People that are interested in the use of religion (for helping) have known basic principles for eons which science is finally beginning to prove. If we are all open to the answers reality provides (instead of coercing life by trying to force and overshadow reality with our own answers), then we shall find the answers we can and choose to see because reality is always showing us answers; it’s our job to see, what, we can.

Bringing badness or goodness to life literally changes your brain (negatively and positively, respectively) like studying or exercising or almost anything else; each act of goodness brings goodness to your life: in your mind, those around you, your interactions in life, etc…. Doing badness or good has resonating effects within your brain and within the lives of those around you; each act has resonating effects that are real, literal, tangible, etc., which in turn, make goodness or badness more likely to occur... which in-turn, initiates a cycle where more good or bad is brought to life at many levels of reality.

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