Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Technology ?


what is it ?

Employment of science (or more flexibly, thought) to enable an ability which can be subsequently misused or used to bring pain or goodness, respectively?

Explicit and implicit forms of technology collaborate to stimulate each other and us!

Overt: innovations of science, thought, and application all help spark human ingenuity to create innovative and useful gadgetry. These devices do help our lives in-turn, help us create, but they are only the most obvious form of technology. Hopefully, we will not limit ourselves in thinking about implicit (not merely explicit) forms of technology are truly the underlying mechanism-devices of thought-the covert form of technology (new thought structures, ideas, etc.) make all other forms possible.

Covert: technology of thoughts, words, and phrases (usages) are all empowering and serve to enable us to create new realities…just like innovative gadgetry. As thoughts are expanded new realities become a more obvious possibility. An example in neuroscience, is that the phrase neuroplasticity has enabled the genesis of a subfield in the burgeoning scientific subfield of neuroscience. Now, whole groups of people specifically study the ways that the human (and other animal’s) brain can grow, which in terms of human creation, enable us to create new realities from the new expanse of thought.

Using the ability to create, our God given gift, hopefully, to express our gratitude, with action not words, by bring goodness into the world, we can help all our family members-everyone on our planet.

New fields of thought and/or science come from technology and in-turn, each creates more.

Doctors can now implant circuitry in the brain or other local command centers; this is an overt example in which new thoughts and technologies have come together to create a new applied science. Now, we can implant devices which interact with our bodies and can use the electrical impulses to generate new abilities (sight, etc.); the brain is re-enabled to grow and subsequently can adjust to the new circumstances.

Overt and covert (explicit and implicit) forms of technology interact with each other and our bodies to enable, more, new thoughts, sciences, and other forms of technology.


When I surveyed 5 people about their interactions with technology, all of the people referred to devices (computers, phones, cars, etc) and spoke about both progress and entrapment; this caused me to discover (I looked-up) this definition on November 13th (14 days after the initial post). These interviews coincide with my initial inklings about common misconceptions concerning technology, and, likewise, the definitions I discovered coincide with my view as well. Why do people share these misperceptions about what technology is? Why are the current colloquial definitions so limiting, when the concept of technology embodies and recapitulates growth?

tech·nol·o·gy [tek-nol-uh-jee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
2. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
3. a technological process, invention, method, or the like.
4. the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.
[Origin: 1605–15; < Gk technología systematic treatment. See techno-, -logy] Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.


The phrase, “Jack of all trades, master of None”
is a mantra of limited thought,
in the form of self-accepted and self-madated, intellectual oppression.
I believe this phrase typifies antiquated dogma, resentments, and insecurities ... these must be overcome for more people to realize, progress.

In contrast, knowledge and abilities don’t detract, they complement, enable, and expand each other and life.

Hopefully, people will realize the ability to enable themselves to expand their knowledge, to expand life, for everybody.

Art, science,…,life is each moment of each person’s life. Ultimately they, and we, are all connected.


Interactions in life...

Recently, I discovered that biology is more thoroughly appraising gene (info)-environment interactions at many levels of analysis. Scientists say its not nature or nurture, because both interact to make life (this has been called gene environment interaction). In the interaction, forms of information (gene, chemical, organisms, etc…) interact with environments (internal, anatomy, chemical, ontogeny/structures, external environments of many different species, etc…) and this is looked at as biochemical interactions. I am grateful that they (we) have realized that nature and nurture need each other to exist, neither exists alone. However, I believe the third segment of the triangle is currently under appreciated.

Movement, motion (physics). Not only are both info and environment necessary for interaction which enables life to emerge……In the interaction itself movement, timing, synchrony, etc are just as necessary for proximate and ultimate interactions from which life emerges. Life needs to come together (in synchrony) for the emergent properties to exist. Yes, both nature and nature exist and need each other for life, but timing, rhythm, and motion are necessary as well.

Entropy comes from Stagnation


Life comes from Motion.

I believe that synchrony (of life) is crucial and resonates at all levels of existence; one particularly poignant example: new experiments show that conciseness seems to emerge from a 40Hz frequency in the thalmacortical loop...

info-enviroment-synchrony...All three, not two, aspects, are necessary for life.!

Bi-directional Neuroplasticity

Zen Buddhists speak about starving off ailments of the mind and body; likewise, Langland and other Christians warn us about negativities associated with indulging in sins of the mind and body (specifically the seven deadly sins). Both cultures/religions empirically discovered certain affects that neuroplasticity has on our lives and the wisdom that we can either let entropy and negativity pervade us into perpetuating more negativities and sadness, or we can empower ourselves. Each moment of each day, we make, who we will become.

Starving off ailments is another way to describe a positive usage of neural depotentiation and enables us to free ourselves from negative realities. Likewise, indulging in the seven deadly sins is taught by Christians to perpetuate more pain (here and after). These ideas may sound archaic today, right? They are not. Currently, as well as in the past, science and religion are showing similar truths, specifically with the recent revelations of neuroplasity.

(After thinking for some time) the Buddhist wisdom of starving off negativities, (by not feeding them), and Christian ideology of the seven deadly sins (which, it is said, are also not to be fed) are not only similar they are a specific and personal application of bidirectional neuroplasticity. Our actions (each moment) either strengthen or weaken negativities and positivities in our body and our mind(s). Malignant thought patterns can be “pruned” (neural depotentiation) and positivities can be strengthened and built upon through long-term potentiation to enable a brighter future in and between people.

Science-language-religion and ideas all can be used to bring badness or goodness into the world. People that are interested in the use of religion (for helping) have known basic principles for eons which science is finally beginning to prove. If we are all open to the answers reality provides (instead of coercing life by trying to force and overshadow reality with our own answers), then we shall find the answers we can and choose to see because reality is always showing us answers; it’s our job to see, what, we can.

Bringing badness or goodness to life literally changes your brain (negatively and positively, respectively) like studying or exercising or almost anything else; each act of goodness brings goodness to your life: in your mind, those around you, your interactions in life, etc…. Doing badness or good has resonating effects within your brain and within the lives of those around you; each act has resonating effects that are real, literal, tangible, etc., which in turn, make goodness or badness more likely to occur... which in-turn, initiates a cycle where more good or bad is brought to life at many levels of reality.


Question of Empowerment?

-Antithetical to the Russian phrase, “fish rot from the head-down”-

With rigorous honesty, reality shows us where we could particularly use improvement and empowerment, which is derived during the subsequent growth process…….based upon growth, founded upon a loose and connected contact with reality. Empowerment needs to be based in truth, because dishonesty breeds false power and brings malevolence upon our earth.

Open-mindedness and self-reflection help allow us to see the products of our growth. Since our ability or particular power is scrutinized/delineated during its interaction with reality, we can be “grounded” in our particular empowerment (as opposed to whimsical coerced fantasy), because we know the ability is founded on truth which is demonstrated to us by our interactions with life.

This grounded knowledge of our abilities (empowerment) helps us to be confident enough in the ability to “let go” (denoting real and uncoerced empowerment), and use the empowerment (that starts with individual growth) to spread and empower the growth of many

False empower that leads to feelings of entitlement, are an obvious source of pain. Entitlement (fear/pain) causes an erosion and misuse of power; in my opinion; empowerment (like most concepts) has use and misuse manifestations. I believe entitlement is a selfish misuse of the concept of empowerment (and erosive), as opposed to the real and positive use of empowerment. Entitlement comes from a lack of connection (lack of letting go); real power, derived from honest interactions with reality and reflection, enable us, to let go.

Negative and positive structures and applications for empowerment occur internally and externally, and are directly related to neuroplasticity. We have the power to enable empowerment,
implicitly in others and explicitly in us.


Most concepts (if not all) have both use and misuse manifestations. Recently, I heard somebody abuse the phrase “adult child” as a malicious label. This phrase (and the concept is embodies) like other concepts has both misuseful and useful states:

Negatively, the phrase denotes lack of growth, which is a deprecated and malicious state of existence.


Positively, the phrase denotes a pre-indoctrinated mind which is ready and eager to grow; it embodies the clarity to denote, depict, and express the mental flexibility of children (the prophetic wisdom of a child) which is (antithetical to the previous coercive manifestation) legitimate and genuine.

The first definition usually reflects the reality of the accuser (as is often the case when people purposefully coerce wisdom for their own misuse)…..malicious labels usually serve to dehumanize (people erroneously believe they can pull themselves up by pulling others down)…..but the second definition is honest acumen and I hope we all strive to be mentally flexible as children when we become adults; if not, this is a great loss!

Don’t embody the misuseful definition of rigid stagnance. Attempt to embody the useful and wise aspect of the dichotomy; true sages became who they are because they posses the positive wisdom of a child.

mental flexibility is highly correlated with the ability to learn and growth.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Robert Nathan Bernshausen

I am now
allowing myself
to be (come)
Robert Nathan Bernshausen.

Previously (as an inexperienced child),
I disallowed myself
to be
of me

and covered my wounds in pain.

As an inexperienced child, I changed my first name, to Bobby,
and hated the mention of my middle name, Nathan.
As an inexperienced child, if a kid called me Nathan,
I considered that to be both an ultimate insult
and an invitation to fight
(as I grossly misunderstood the concept of ultimate
at the time eh?).

Recently, I have been calling myself Robert in class
but friends can call me any honest name of endearment.

Earlier this week, I finally allowed myself to become,
and call myself,
Robert Nathan Bernshausen;

I view this fact, as an out-ward expression
of internal growth.


Sharp pain, can be, either bad or good
and denotes a change for us all.
The change can be proximately
bad and ultimately good,
proximately good and ultimately bad, or
(more realistically)
any and all other combinations in life, that come
from multiple inter-exchanges of the previous four words,

which (like life) denote changing and inter-exchanging states
of both time and being.

When life seems sardonic, and all our comforts are put into question…
Even when we learn, that thoughts which were previously
our deepest securities
are false
and everything
is seemingly turned-on us
or lost.

Consider yourself ultimately (and truly) blessed because this situation shows us who we all
really are.

This is the time
when real answers come
and chaos
is transformed
into growth.
Creative Commons License
Intigrative Expression by Robert Nathan Bernshausen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License