what is it ?
Employment of science (or more flexibly, thought) to enable an ability which can be subsequently misused or used to bring pain or goodness, respectively?
Explicit and implicit forms of technology collaborate to stimulate each other and us!
Overt: innovations of science, thought, and application all help spark human ingenuity to create innovative and useful gadgetry. These devices do help our lives in-turn, help us create, but they are only the most obvious form of technology. Hopefully, we will not limit ourselves in thinking about implicit (not merely explicit) forms of technology are truly the underlying mechanism-devices of thought-the covert form of technology (new thought structures, ideas, etc.) make all other forms possible.
Covert: technology of thoughts, words, and phrases (usages) are all empowering and serve to enable us to create new realities…just like innovative gadgetry. As thoughts are expanded new realities become a more obvious possibility. An example in neuroscience, is that the phrase neuroplasticity has enabled the genesis of a subfield in the burgeoning scientific subfield of neuroscience. Now, whole groups of people specifically study the ways that the human (and other animal’s) brain can grow, which in terms of human creation, enable us to create new realities from the new expanse of thought.
Using the ability to create, our God given gift, hopefully, to express our gratitude, with action not words, by bring goodness into the world, we can help all our family members-everyone on our planet.
New fields of thought and/or science come from technology and in-turn, each creates more.
Doctors can now implant circuitry in the brain or other local command centers; this is an overt example in which new thoughts and technologies have come together to create a new applied science. Now, we can implant devices which interact with our bodies and can use the electrical impulses to generate new abilities (sight, etc.); the brain is re-enabled to grow and subsequently can adjust to the new circumstances.
Overt and covert (explicit and implicit) forms of technology interact with each other and our bodies to enable, more, new thoughts, sciences, and other forms of technology.
what is it ?
Employment of science (or more flexibly, thought) to enable an ability which can be subsequently misused or used to bring pain or goodness, respectively?
Explicit and implicit forms of technology collaborate to stimulate each other and us!
Overt: innovations of science, thought, and application all help spark human ingenuity to create innovative and useful gadgetry. These devices do help our lives in-turn, help us create, but they are only the most obvious form of technology. Hopefully, we will not limit ourselves in thinking about implicit (not merely explicit) forms of technology are truly the underlying mechanism-devices of thought-the covert form of technology (new thought structures, ideas, etc.) make all other forms possible.
Covert: technology of thoughts, words, and phrases (usages) are all empowering and serve to enable us to create new realities…just like innovative gadgetry. As thoughts are expanded new realities become a more obvious possibility. An example in neuroscience, is that the phrase neuroplasticity has enabled the genesis of a subfield in the burgeoning scientific subfield of neuroscience. Now, whole groups of people specifically study the ways that the human (and other animal’s) brain can grow, which in terms of human creation, enable us to create new realities from the new expanse of thought.
Using the ability to create, our God given gift, hopefully, to express our gratitude, with action not words, by bring goodness into the world, we can help all our family members-everyone on our planet.
New fields of thought and/or science come from technology and in-turn, each creates more.
Doctors can now implant circuitry in the brain or other local command centers; this is an overt example in which new thoughts and technologies have come together to create a new applied science. Now, we can implant devices which interact with our bodies and can use the electrical impulses to generate new abilities (sight, etc.); the brain is re-enabled to grow and subsequently can adjust to the new circumstances.
Overt and covert (explicit and implicit) forms of technology interact with each other and our bodies to enable, more, new thoughts, sciences, and other forms of technology.
When I surveyed 5 people about their interactions with technology, all of the people referred to devices (computers, phones, cars, etc) and spoke about both progress and entrapment; this caused me to discover (I looked-up) this definition on November 13th (14 days after the initial post). These interviews coincide with my initial inklings about common misconceptions concerning technology, and, likewise, the definitions I discovered coincide with my view as well. Why do people share these misperceptions about what technology is? Why are the current colloquial definitions so limiting, when the concept of technology embodies and recapitulates growth?
tech·nol·o·gy [tek-nol-uh-jee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
2. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
3. a technological process, invention, method, or the like.
4. the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.
[Origin: 1605–15; < Gk technología systematic treatment. See techno-, -logy] Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.