Thursday, March 12, 2009
Biological, Behavioral, AND Cognitive Science (BBCS) - Interrelatedness of subcomponents in Neuroscience
Biology, behaviorism, and cognition are all interrelated!
Biology maybe something that we don't control directly, but we can control (encourage) it indirectly through our implicit and explicit actions: our outlooks (cognition) are implicit actions and our behaviors (behaviorism) are explicit actions.
Cognition puts control (not a binary one or zero, but a continuation of influence) of our life back into our hands.
Our outlooks affect our behaviors, and our behaviors influence our biology (through processes that neuroscientists call Long-term Potentiation or LTP), which, in-turn, affects all three.
We build who we become, through our actions.
What? We, simultaneously, don't control AND do control our life (lives) in various ways?
Biology maybe something that we don't control directly, but we can control (encourage) it indirectly through our implicit and explicit actions: our outlooks (cognition) are implicit actions and our behaviors (behaviorism) are explicit actions.
Cognition puts control (not a binary one or zero, but a continuation of influence) of our life back into our hands.
Our outlooks affect our behaviors, and our behaviors influence our biology (through processes that neuroscientists call Long-term Potentiation or LTP), which, in-turn, affects all three.
We build who we become, through our actions.
What? We, simultaneously, don't control AND do control our life (lives) in various ways?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Student: Robert Bernshausen
Mentor: Thylias Moss
Mentor: Thylias Moss
Credits: 4 Hrs.
Class: 499 Directed Study
Integrative Forms of Multi-Modal Expression
Course structure will be comprised of three macro-components, which will each be comprised of multiple subcomponents as well. The components (detailed below) will be integrated by the end of the semester to make (at least) 2 meta-works that will illustrate an encompassing multi-sensory experience comprised of an integration of poetry (written word), visual and audio (sound fx) information, music (percussion, keyboards, and computer), body dynamics (dance, martial arts, and gymnastics), and behavioral sciences.
Compilation of Poetry: I believe Professor Moss’s depth of experience (particularly in limited fork poetics which studies interactions in complex systems of expression) will serve as an invaluable tool to help me with issues concerning structure and organization as I compile several dozen poems into a codex-form with a cogent shape. The compilation of poetry will strive to create enhanced possibilities on/with cutting edges of expressions.
Blogs: I am previously unfamiliar with this emergent mode of transmitting expressions; however, as this form of thought transmission will become more relevant in the future (and I would like the forum to expose my poetry to more of the world) I would appreciate the opportunity to challenge myself by learning this important skill from Professor Moss.
As the information will be on-line, anyone can access my site on the web and view my progress.
Compilation and Expansion of Current Meta-Craft Projects - Subcomponents:
Poetry: For complimentary purposes, poetry can work in combination (with multiple forms of expression) and serve to produce synergistic effects when the multiple modes amalgamate to produce and illustrate larger connections which exist within reality.
Music Components - Western and Eastern percussion techniques, especially Taiko (Japanese Percussion); this is a subject on which I have guest lectured at Rice University’s Shepard School of Music (with the group: Kaminari Taiko); Keyboards and Music editing computer software will be used as well.
Visual components- Expression through using body-dynamics (Gymnastics/Dance and Marital Arts), Computer Programs (i movie, motion), and Black and White Photography.
Behavioral Sciences: This aspect of my work seeks to employ an understanding of numerous biological and cognitive psychological phenomena (detailed by numerous studies) to help empower the effects and subsequent recall of messages my work attempts to elucidate. Further examples of using psychological phenomena to aid in illustration include the specific employment of primacy and recency bias effects to display key points more prominently.
By combining emergent technologies with multiple supplementary forms of information this class seeks to be on poetic expression’s forefront. No class currently exists which combines these modes of expression to expand the cutting edge of possibilities.
Due dates: Blogs: one entry due per week;
Compilation of Poetry (book-type codex format): by semester’s end;
Creation/Revision of multi-modal expression projects: by semester’s end.
Time with Professor Moss will occur Monday and Tuesday night.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
repeating this piece adds context to the cycle
(more connections can become apparent).
Thank you, Zan, for dancing, and thank you, Nithiya, for clip suggestions, ideas, and recording.
Just so this work is not taken out of context, I am not pro-Michael Moore; I used some clips from Bowling for Columbine because I realize that even though we may disagree with a particular person's politics, we can still find value in what they're saying and build off of what we believe are good points (in this case, a major point, which was also made by John Dos Pasos in his book 1919, is a concept called 'Reimportation of War' - ideas and weapons we create to hurt others tend to find their way home).
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I - one space - one life (where you go, there you are)
II - one time (continuous now)
III - this is our scope of life, it was made this way for a reason. We are not made to live multiple people’s lives…ex: group-think mob lead by a puppeteer…or multiple times…ex: stuck living in the past.
1st person Point Of View expresses the mesoscope of our existence.
Enclosure: life is one time (now) - one person…this is our sphere of control.
When we flow with life, instead of trying to control it, reformation is enabled.
The roll embodies this concept…trying to fight the fall’s force would get me hurt, but, reforming the force gave me greater energy.
Three versions of the initial sequence show three manifestations (action-dynamic vantages) of the same (and very similar) scene.
a. was made to look like I unknowingly tripped, fell, and rolled to proceed toward my car.
In b., I still tripped and fell, but this time, it was done in a (personally) well controlled manner…almost silent
c. was in the middle; it was realistic and controlled (the viewer can see my foot fly in front of the camera to tell I was literally head over heels).
I had to do the dive-roll-out-of-a-trip (s) with no hands to hold the camera so I could get the 1st person POV!
The next sequence depicts my mind drifting out of one place and time (while driving)! I should not be thinking about the past (childhood video games) and other people’s lives while driving. The view becomes narrower and the over-imposed realities destructively interfere with each other.
Thankfully, 1 POV returns, though sporadically (recovery is often not instantaneous), as I go into Grocs-lab to learn and grow.
II - one time (continuous now)
III - this is our scope of life, it was made this way for a reason. We are not made to live multiple people’s lives…ex: group-think mob lead by a puppeteer…or multiple times…ex: stuck living in the past.
1st person Point Of View expresses the mesoscope of our existence.
Enclosure: life is one time (now) - one person…this is our sphere of control.
When we flow with life, instead of trying to control it, reformation is enabled.
The roll embodies this concept…trying to fight the fall’s force would get me hurt, but, reforming the force gave me greater energy.
Three versions of the initial sequence show three manifestations (action-dynamic vantages) of the same (and very similar) scene.
a. was made to look like I unknowingly tripped, fell, and rolled to proceed toward my car.
In b., I still tripped and fell, but this time, it was done in a (personally) well controlled manner…almost silent
c. was in the middle; it was realistic and controlled (the viewer can see my foot fly in front of the camera to tell I was literally head over heels).
I had to do the dive-roll-out-of-a-trip (s) with no hands to hold the camera so I could get the 1st person POV!
The next sequence depicts my mind drifting out of one place and time (while driving)! I should not be thinking about the past (childhood video games) and other people’s lives while driving. The view becomes narrower and the over-imposed realities destructively interfere with each other.
Thankfully, 1 POV returns, though sporadically (recovery is often not instantaneous), as I go into Grocs-lab to learn and grow.

Monday, December 17, 2007
(video meant to be watched without sound)
For me, rolls represents a physical emboyment of reformation and
subsequent potential.
PS. and yes my rolls have gotten a lot better since this was made; at the time, I was happy to be able to explore more motions with my body. I am still happy;
the ability to reform situations, helps us protect ourselves from harm and even gain potential from the interaction!
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